Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm Back!

Off to Milwaukee. I'm heading to Milwaukee to the Milwaukee Ukulele Festival this weekend  Oct 19-21, as a vendor and an instructor. I am so excited to have the opportunity to teach about the book I just finished "Thumpin on the Old Time Uke" Clawhammer Ukulele( available on Amazon). I'm taking a few ukes with me to take orders.....can't wait.

Also, I am planning on a new and exciting workshop "Abstract Acrylic Painting Beyond basics" this is going to be a workshop for the folks that are afraid to paint and have fun.  it seems some folks paint but don't have fun or it doesn't look like the picture....guess what no pictures to copy no failures how bout that. We will use none traditional methods like fingers, stick, sponges, combs paper towels ..and what ever you have in your front pocket. This is a can't fail workshop. let me know if you are interest. This will be taking place in the Atlanta area 2013.